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Expand your understanding of everything equine

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Get access to world-leading text, video and interactive content.

Get industry qualifications

Some of our courses offer continuing education points.

Our Mission

To educate all horse enthusiasts, be they veterinarians or horse owners.

Our courses are structured and tailored to a student's existing level of education. You can choose from courses that are introductory and cover basic information, right through to advanced courses for students who have the prerequisite veterinary, farriery or allied health qualifications.

About the College

Developed by veterinarians and equine healthcare professionals.

E-Learning increases information retention by 25-60%, which is why we provide online material to support real-world courses and seminars.

By delivering world-leading information in a state-of-the-art digital platform, The Horse Care College represents a new benchmark in online education of equine healthcare practitioners and horse enthusiasts.

Browse our course catalogue

The Horse Care College:
Educating all equine enthusiasts.